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Function DownloadTime(intFileSize, strModemType)
Dim TimeInSeconds, ModemSpeed, strDownloadTime, AppendString
Dim intYears, intWeeks, intDays
Dim intHours, intMinutes, intSeconds
intYears = 0
intWeeks = 0
intDays = 0
intHours = 0
intMinutes = 0
intSeconds = 0
strDownloadTime = ""
Select Case strModemType
Case "Cable"
  ModemSpeed = 400000
Case "56kbps"
  ModemSpeed = 7000
Case "33.6kbps"
  ModemSpeed = 4200
Case "28.8kbps"
  ModemSpeed = 3600
End Select
TimeInSeconds = int(intFileSize / ModemSpeed)
' 准确地说,1年=365.25天.
If (Int(TimeInSeconds / 31471200) <> 0) Then intYears = Int(TimeInSeconds / 31449600)
If ((Int(TimeInSeconds / 604800) Mod 52) <> 0) Then intWeeks = Int(TimeInSeconds / 604800) Mod 52
If ((Int(TimeInSeconds / 86400) Mod 7) <> 0) Then intDays = Int(TimeInSeconds / 86400) Mod 7
If TimeInSeconds >= 3600 Then intHours = Int(TimeInSeconds / 3600) Mod 24
If TimeInSeconds >= 60 Then intMinutes = Int(TimeInSeconds / 60) Mod 60
If TimeInSeconds >= 0 Then intSeconds = Int(TimeInSeconds) Mod 60
If intYears <> 0 Then
  strDownloadTime = strDownloadTime & intYears & "年" & AppendString & ", "
End If
If intWeeks <> 0 Then
  strDownloadTime = strDownloadTime & intWeeks & "周" & AppendString & ", "
End If
If intDays <> 0 Then
  strDownloadTime = strDownloadTime & intDays & "日" & AppendString & ", "
End If
If intHours <> 0 Then
  strDownloadTime = strDownloadTime & intHours & "小时" & AppendString & ", "
End If
If intMinutes <> 0 Then
  strDownloadTime = strDownloadTime & intMinutes & "分" & AppendString
End If
If ((intYears = 0) And (intWeeks = 0) And (intDays = 0) And (intHours = 0)) Then
  If intMinutes > 0 Then
  strDownloadTime = strDownloadTime  & ", " & intSeconds & "秒" & AppendString
  strDownloadTime = strDownloadTime & intSeconds & "秒" & AppendString
  End If
End If
DownloadTime = strDownloadTime
End Function



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明霞山资源网 Design By www.htccd.com

RTX 5090要首发 性能要翻倍!三星展示GDDR7显存


首次推出的GDDR7内存模块密度为16GB,每个模块容量为2GB。其速度预设为32 Gbps(PAM3),但也可以降至28 Gbps,以提高产量和初始阶段的整体性能和成本效益。
