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一个几百行代码做出http/https代理服务器的脚本,启动即可做http https透明代理使用
python proxy.py 8992
*1. * [代码] [Python]代码
#!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import socket, logging import select, errno import os import sys import traceback import gzip from StringIO import StringIO import Queue import threading import time import thread import cgi from cgi import parse_qs import json import imp from os.path import join, getsize import re import ssl ##################user config ################## logger = logging.getLogger("network-server") ############################################# def getTraceStackMsg(): tb = sys.exc_info()[2] msg = '' for i in traceback.format_tb(tb): msg += i return msg def InitLog(): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh = logging.FileHandler("network-server.log") fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.ERROR) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) fh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(ch) def clearfdpro(epoll_fd, params, fd): try: fd_check = int(fd) except Exception, e: print "fd error" sys.exit(1) try: #print "pid:%s, close fd:%s" % (os.getpid(), fd) epoll_fd.unregister(fd) except Exception, e: #print str(e)+getTraceStackMsg() pass try: param = params[fd] try: addr = param["addr"] if "next" in param: print "close sock, %s:%s" % (addr[0], addr[1]) except Exception, e: pass param["connections"].shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) param["connections"].close() f = param.get("f", None) if f != None: f.close() rc = param.get("rc", None) if rc != None: rc.close() if "read_cache_name" in param: os.remove(param["read_cache_name"]) except Exception, e: #print str(e)+getTraceStackMsg() pass try: del params[fd] #logger.error(getTraceStackMsg()) #logger.error("clear fd:%s" % fd) except Exception, e: #print str(e)+getTraceStackMsg() pass def clearfd(epoll_fd, params, fd): try: param = params[fd] if "nextfd" in param: nextfd = param["nextfd"] next_param = params[nextfd] del param["nextfd"] del next_param["nextfd"] if not "next" in param: #masterfd clearfdpro(epoll_fd, params, nextfd) else: # nextfd if not "writedata" in next_param or len(next_param["writedata"]) == 0: clearfdpro(epoll_fd, params, nextfd) else: next_param["sendandclose"] = "true" clearfdpro(epoll_fd, params, fd) except Exception, e: #print str(e)+getTraceStackMsg() pass def FindHostPort(datas): host_s = -1 host_e = -1 host_str = None host = "" port = "" if not datas.startswith("CONNECT"): host_s = datas.find("Host:") if host_s < 0: host_s = datas.find("host:") if host_s > 0: host_e = datas.find("\r\n", host_s) if host_s > 0 and host_e > 0: host_str = datas[host_s+5:host_e].strip() add_list = host_str.split(":") if len(add_list) == 2: host = add_list[0] port = add_list[1] else: host = add_list[0] port = 80 first_seg = datas.find("\r\n") first_line = datas[0:first_seg] first_line = first_line.replace(" http://%s" % host_str, " ") datas = first_line + datas[first_seg:] else: first_seg = datas.find("\r\n") head_e = datas.find("\r\n\r\n") if first_seg > 0 and head_e > 0: first_line = datas[0:first_seg] 36a0 com,host_str,http_version = re.split('\s+', first_line) add_list = host_str.split(":") if len(add_list) == 2: host = add_list[0] port = add_list[1] else: host = add_list[0] port = 443 host_s = 1 host_e = 1 return host_str,host_s,host_e,host,port,datas def connect_pro(params, param, epoll_fd, datas, fd, cur_time, host, port): try: nextfd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) nextfd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) nextfd.settimeout(5) try: nextfd.connect((host, int(port))) except Exception, e: print "########%s,%s connect fail" % (host,port) nextfd.setblocking(0) next_fileno = nextfd.fileno() print "pid:%s, connect %s:%s fd:%s" % (os.getpid(), host, port, next_fileno) if next_fileno in params: print "fileno exist" sys.exit(1) if not datas.startswith("CONNECT"): next_param = {"addr":[host,port],"writelen":0, "connections":nextfd, "time":cur_time, "nextfd":fd} param["nextfd"] = next_fileno next_param["writedata"] = datas next_param["writelen"] = 0 next_param["next"] = "true" param["read_len"] = 0 param["readdata"] = "" params[next_fileno] = next_param epoll_fd.register(next_fileno, select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLOUT | select.EPOLLERR | select.EPOLLHUP) epoll_fd.modify(fd, select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLERR | select.EPOLLHUP) else: next_param = {"addr":[host,port],"writelen":0, "connections":nextfd, "time":cur_time, "nextfd":fd} param["nextfd"] = next_fileno next_param["next"] = "true" params[next_fileno] = next_param epoll_fd.register(next_fileno, select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLERR | select.EPOLLHUP) param["read_len"] = 0 param["readdata"] = "" param["writedata"] = "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n" param["writelen"] = 0 param["reuse"] = "true" epoll_fd.modify(fd, select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLOUT | select.EPOLLERR | select.EPOLLHUP) except socket.error, msg: clearfd(epoll_fd,params,fd) def process_datas(process_status, params, param, epoll_fd, datas, read_len, fd, cur_time): if process_status == "close": clearfd(epoll_fd,params,fd) else: need_connect = False host_str = None host_s = -1 host_e = -1 if "reuse" in param and "next" not in param: if not datas.startswith("CONNECT") and not datas.startswith("GET") and not datas.startswith("POST") and not datas.startswith("PUT"): del param["reuse"] else: host_str,host_s,host_e,host,port,datas = FindHostPort(datas) host_s = int(host_s) host_e = int(host_e) next_fileno = param["nextfd"] next_param = params[next_fileno] addr = next_param["addr"] if host_s > 0 and host_e > 0: if host != addr[0] or str(port) != str(addr[1]): print "%s,%s neq %s,%s" % (host,port,addr[0],addr[1]) need_connect = True del param["nextfd"] del next_param["nextfd"] clearfd(epoll_fd,params,next_fileno) del param["reuse"] else: param["read_len"] = read_len param["readdata"] = datas return None if need_connect or not "nextfd" in param: if host_str == None or not host_s > 0 or not host_e > 0: host_str,host_s,host_e,host,port,datas = FindHostPort(datas) host_s = int(host_s) host_e = int(host_e) if host_s > 0 and host_e > 0: if not datas.startswith("CONNECT"): epoll_fd.modify(fd, select.EPOLLERR | select.EPOLLHUP) # 简单处理,http连接时把读去掉,避免内存攻击 thread.start_new_thread(connect_pro,(params, param, epoll_fd, datas, fd, cur_time, host, port)) else: param["read_len"] = read_len param["readdata"] = datas else: next_fileno = param["nextfd"] next_param = params[next_fileno] if "next" in param: next_param["reuse"] = "true" write_data = next_param.get("writedata", "") write_data += datas next_param["writedata"] = write_data param["read_len"] = 0 param["readdata"] = "" epoll_fd.modify(next_fileno, select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLOUT | select.EPOLLERR | select.EPOLLHUP) if process_status == "close_after_process": print "close after process" clearfd(epoll_fd,params,fd) def run_main(listen_fd): try: epoll_fd = select.epoll() epoll_fd.register(listen_fd.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLERR | select.EPOLLHUP) print "listen_fd:%s" % listen_fd.fileno() except select.error, msg: logger.error(msg) params = {} last_min_time = -1 while True: epoll_list = epoll_fd.poll() cur_time = time.time() for fd, events in epoll_list: if fd == listen_fd.fileno(): while True: try: conn, addr = listen_fd.accept() conn.setblocking(0) epoll_fd.register(conn.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLERR | select.EPOLLHUP) conn.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) #conn.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, True) params[conn.fileno()] = {"addr":addr,"writelen":0, "connections":conn, "time":cur_time} except socket.error, msg: break elif select.EPOLLIN & events: param = params.get(fd,None) if param == None: continue param["time"] = cur_time datas = param.get("readdata","") cur_sock = params[fd]["connections"] read_len = param.get("read_len", 0) process_status = "close" while True: try: data = cur_sock.recv(102400) if not data: if datas == "": break else: raise Exception("close after process") else: datas += data read_len += len(data) except socket.error, msg: if msg.errno == errno.EAGAIN: process_status = "process" break else: break except Exception, e: process_status = "close_after_process" break process_datas(process_status, params, param, epoll_fd, datas, read_len, fd, cur_time) elif select.EPOLLHUP & events or select.EPOLLERR & events: clearfd(epoll_fd,params,fd) logger.error("sock: %s error" % fd) elif select.EPOLLOUT & events: param = params.get(fd,None) if param == None: continue param["time"] = cur_time sendLen = param.get("writelen",0) writedata = param.get("writedata", "") total_write_len = len(writedata) cur_sock = param["connections"] f = param.get("f", None) totalsenlen = param.get("totalsenlen", None) if writedata == "": clearfd(epoll_fd,params,fd) continue while True: try: sendLen += cur_sock.send(writedata[sendLen:]) if sendLen == total_write_len: if f != None and totalsenlen != None: readmorelen = 102400 if readmorelen > totalsenlen: readmorelen = totalsenlen morefiledata = "" if readmorelen > 0: morefiledata = f.read(readmorelen) if morefiledata != "": writedata = morefiledata sendLen = 0 total_write_len = len(writedata) totalsenlen -= total_write_len param["writedata"] = writedata param["totalsenlen"] = totalsenlen continue else: f.close() del param["f"] del param["totalsenlen"] if not "sendandclose" in param: param["writedata"] = "" param["writelen"] = 0 epoll_fd.modify(fd, select.EPOLLIN | select.EPOLLERR | select.EPOLLHUP) else: clearfd(epoll_fd,params,fd) break except socket.error, msg: if msg.errno == errno.EAGAIN: param["writelen"] = sendLen break clearfd(epoll_fd,params,fd) break else: continue #check time out if cur_time - last_min_time > 20: last_min_time = cur_time objs = params.items() for (key_fd,value) in objs: fd_time = value.get("time", 0) del_time = cur_time - fd_time if del_time > 20: clearfd(epoll_fd,params,key_fd) elif fd_time < last_min_time: last_min_time = fd_time if __name__ == "__main__": reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') InitLog() port = int(sys.argv[1]) try: listen_fd = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) except socket.error, msg: logger.error("create socket failed") try: listen_fd.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) except socket.error, msg: logger.error("setsocketopt SO_REUSEADDR failed") try: listen_fd.bind(('', port)) except socket.error, msg: logger.error("bind failed") try: listen_fd.listen(10240) listen_fd.setblocking(0) except socket.error, msg: logger.error(msg) child_num = 19 c = 0 while c < child_num: c = c + 1 newpid = os.fork() if newpid == 0: run_main(listen_fd) run_main(listen_fd)
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3月20日消息,近期博主@数码闲聊站 透露,原定三月份发布的华为新旗舰P70系列延期发布,预计4月份上市。
而博主@定焦数码 爆料,华为的P70系列在定位上已经超过了Mate60,成为了重要的旗舰系列之一。它肩负着重返影像领域顶尖的使命。那么这次P70会带来哪些令人惊艳的创新呢?
根据目前爆料的消息来看,华为P70系列将推出三个版本,其中P70和P70 Pro采用了三角形的摄像头模组设计,而P70 Art则采用了与上一代P60 Art相似的不规则形状设计。这样的外观是否好看见仁见智,但辨识度绝对拉满。