此端口扫描器的源码,文档及详细调用方法见Github PythonPortScanner by Yaokai。
I. 利用TCP握手连接扫描一个给定的(ip,port)地址对
为了实现端口扫描,我们首先明白如何使用python socket
与给定的(ip, port)
进行TCP握手。为了完成TCP握手,我们需要先初始化一个TCP socket。在python
中新建一个TCP socket的代码如下:
TCP_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #(1) TCP_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) #(2) TCP_sock.settimeout(delay) #(3)
参数表示IPv4 socket
参数表示TCP socket
try: result = TCP_sock.connect_ex((ip, int(port_number))) # If the TCP handshake is successful, the port is OPEN. Otherwise it is CLOSE if result == 0: output[port_number] = 'OPEN' else: output[port_number] = 'CLOSE' TCP_sock.close() except socket.error as e: output[port_number] = 'CLOSE' pass
方法来关闭与远程端口之间的TCP连接。否则的话我们的扫描操作可能会引起所谓的TCP连接悬挂问题(Hanging TCP connection)。
""" Perform status checking for a given port on a given ip address using TCP handshake Keyword arguments: ip -- the ip address that is being scanned port_number -- the port that is going to be checked delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout output -- a dict() that stores result pairs in {port, status} style (status = 'OPEN' or 'CLOSE') """ def __TCP_connect(ip, port_number, delay, output): # Initilize the TCP socket object TCP_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) TCP_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) TCP_sock.settimeout(delay) try: result = TCP_sock.connect_ex((ip, int(port_number))) # If the TCP handshake is successful, the port is OPEN. Otherwise it is CLOSE if result == 0: output[port_number] = 'OPEN' else: output[port_number] = 'CLOSE' TCP_sock.close() except socket.error as e: output[port_number] = 'CLOSE' pass
II. 多线程扫描端口
复制代码 代码如下:__port_list = [1,3,6,9,13,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,30,32,37,42,49,53,70,79,80,81,82,83,84,88,89,99,106,109,110,113,119,125,135,139,143,146,161,163,179,199,211,222,254,255,259,264,280,301,306,311,340,366,389,406,416,425,427,443,444,458,464,481,497,500,512,513,514,524,541,543,544,548,554,563,...]
1. 取出一个端口
2. 新建一条线程,利用__TCP_connect()
3. 调用thread.start()
4. 重复这个过程直到所有的端口都被扫描过。
""" Open multiple threads to perform port scanning Keyword arguments: ip -- the ip address that is being scanned delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout output -- a dict() that stores result pairs in {port, status} style (status = 'OPEN' or 'CLOSE') """ def __scan_ports_helper(ip, delay, output): ''' Multithreading port scanning ''' port_index = 0 while port_index < len(__port_list): # Ensure that the number of cocurrently running threads does not exceed the thread limit while threading.activeCount() < __thread_limit and port_index < len(__port_list): # Start threads thread = threading.Thread(target = __TCP_connect, args = (ip, __port_list[port_index], delay, output)) thread.start() # lock the thread until all threads complete thread.join() port_index = port_index + 1
其中__thread_limit参数是用来限制线程数目的。output是一个字典,以(port: status)
III. 多线程扫描多个网站
def __scan_ports_helper(ip, delay, output): ''' Multithreading port scanning ''' port_index = 0 while port_index < len(__port_list): # Ensure that the number of cocurrently running threads does not exceed the thread limit while threading.activeCount() < __thread_limit and port_index < len(__port_list): # Start threads thread = threading.Thread(target = __TCP_connect, args = (ip, __port_list[port_index], delay, output)) thread.start() port_index = port_index + 1 while (len(output) < len(self.target_ports)): continue
""" Controller of the __scan_ports_helper() function Keyword arguments: ip -- the ip address that is being scanned delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout """ def __scan_ports(websites, output_ip, delay): scan_result = {} for website in websites: website = str(website) scan_result[website] = {} thread = threading.Thread(target = __scan_ports_helper, args = (ip, delay, scan_result[website])) thread.start() # lock the script until all threads complete thread.join() return scan_result
IV. 总结!利用这些代码扫描给定网站并输出结果
import sys import subprocess import socket import threading import time class PortScanner: # default ports to be scanned # or put any ports you want to scan here! __port_list = [1,3,6,9,13,17,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,30,32,37,42,49,53,70,79,80,81,82,83,84,88,89,99,106,109,110,113,119,125,135,139,143,146,161,163,179,199,211,222,254,255,259,264,280,301,306,311,340,366,389,406,416,425,427,443,444,458,464,481,497,500,512,513,514,524,541,543,544,548,554,563] # default thread number limit __thread_limit = 1000 # default connection timeout time inseconds __delay = 10 """ Constructor of a PortScanner object Keyword arguments: target_ports -- the list of ports that is going to be scanned (default self.__port_list) """ def __init__(self, target_ports = None): # If target ports not given in the arguments, use default ports # If target ports is given in the arguments, use given port lists if target_ports is None: self.target_ports = self.__port_list else: self.target_ports = target_ports """ Return the usage information for invalid input host name. """ def __usage(self): print('python Port Scanner v0.1') print('please make sure the input host name is in the form of "" or "!"\n') """ This is the function need to be called to perform port scanning Keyword arguments: host_name -- the hostname that is going to be scanned message -- the message that is going to be included in the scanning packets, in order to prevent ethical problem (default: '') """ def scan(self, host_name, message = ''): if 'http://' in host_name or 'https://' in host_name: host_name = host_name[host_name.find('://') + 3 : ] print('*' * 60 + '\n') print('start scanning website: ' + str(host_name)) try: server_ip = socket.gethostbyname(str(host_name)) print('server ip is: ' + str(server_ip)) except socket.error as e: # If the DNS resolution of a website cannot be finished, abort that website. #print(e) print('hostname %s unknown!!!' % host_name) self.__usage() return {} # May need to return specificed values to the DB in the future start_time = time.time() output = self.__scan_ports(server_ip, self.__delay, message) stop_time = time.time() print('host %s scanned in %f seconds' %(host_name, stop_time - start_time)) print('finish scanning!\n') return output """ Set the maximum number of thread for port scanning Keyword argument: num -- the maximum number of thread running concurrently (default 1000) """ def set_thread_limit(self, num): num = int(num) if num <= 0 or num > 50000: print('Warning: Invalid thread number limit! Please make sure the thread limit is within the range of (1, 50,000)!') print('The scanning process will use default thread limit!') return self.__thread_limit = num """ Set the time out delay for port scanning in seconds Keyword argument: delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout (default 10) """ def set_delay(self, delay): delay = int(delay) if delay <= 0 or delay > 100: print('Warning: Invalid delay value! Please make sure the input delay is within the range of (1, 100)') print('The scanning process will use the default delay time') return self.__delay = delay """ Print out the list of ports being scanned """ def show_target_ports(self): print ('Current port list is:') print (self.target_ports) """ Print out the delay in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout """ def show_delay(self): print ('Current timeout delay is :%d' %(int(self.__delay))) """ Open multiple threads to perform port scanning Keyword arguments: ip -- the ip address that is being scanned delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout output -- a dict() that stores result pairs in {port, status} style (status = 'OPEN' or 'CLOSE') message -- the message that is going to be included in the scanning packets, in order to prevent ethical problem (default: '') """ def __scan_ports_helper(self, ip, delay, output, message): ''' Multithreading port scanning ''' port_index = 0 while port_index < len(self.target_ports): # Ensure that the number of cocurrently running threads does not exceed the thread limit while threading.activeCount() < self.__thread_limit and port_index < len(self.target_ports): # Start threads thread = threading.Thread(target = self.__TCP_connect, args = (ip, self.target_ports[port_index], delay, output, message)) thread.start() port_index = port_index + 1 """ Controller of the __scan_ports_helper() function Keyword arguments: ip -- the ip address that is being scanned delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout message -- the message that is going to be included in the scanning packets, in order to prevent ethical problem (default: '') """ def __scan_ports(self, ip, delay, message): output = {} thread = threading.Thread(target = self.__scan_ports_helper, args = (ip, delay, output, message)) thread.start() # Wait until all port scanning threads finished while (len(output) < len(self.target_ports)): continue # Print openning ports from small to large for port in self.target_ports: if output[port] == 'OPEN': print(str(port) + ': ' + output[port] + '\n') return output """ Perform status checking for a given port on a given ip address using TCP handshake Keyword arguments: ip -- the ip address that is being scanned port_number -- the port that is going to be checked delay -- the time in seconds that a TCP socket waits until timeout output -- a dict() that stores result pairs in {port, status} style (status = 'OPEN' or 'CLOSE') message -- the message that is going to be included in the scanning packets, in order to prevent ethical problem (default: '') """ def __TCP_connect(self, ip, port_number, delay, output, message): # Initilize the TCP socket object TCP_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) TCP_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) TCP_sock.settimeout(delay) # Initilize a UDP socket to send scanning alert message if there exists an non-empty message if message != '': UDP_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) UDP_sock.sendto(str(message), (ip, int(port_number))) try: result = TCP_sock.connect_ex((ip, int(port_number))) if message != '': TCP_sock.sendall(str(message)) # If the TCP handshake is successful, the port is OPEN. Otherwise it is CLOSE if result == 0: output[port_number] = 'OPEN' else: output[port_number] = 'CLOSE' TCP_sock.close() except socket.error as e: output[port_number] = 'CLOSE' pass
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