明霞山资源网 Design By www.htccd.com
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import pygame import sys from pygame.locals import * from pygame.font import * import time import random class Hero(object): #玩家 英雄类 def __init__(self, screen_temp): self.x = 210 self.y = 700 self.life = 21 # self.life = 100 self.image = pygame.image.load("./feiji/hero1.png") self.screen = screen_temp self.bullet_list = []#用来存储子弹对象的引用 #爆炸效果用的如下属性 self.hit = False #表示是否要爆炸 self.bomb_list = [] #用来存储爆炸时需要的图片 self.__create_images() #调用这个方法向bomb_list中添加图片 self.image_num = 0 #用来记录while True的次数,当次数达到一定值时才显示一张爆炸的图,然后清空,,当这个次数再次达到时,再显示下一个爆炸效果的图片 self.image_index = 0#用来记录当前要显示的爆炸效果的图片的序号 def __create_images(self): #添加爆炸图片 self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/hero_blowup_n1.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/hero_blowup_n2.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/hero_blowup_n3.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/hero_blowup_n4.png")) def display(self): #显示玩家的飞机 #如果被击中,就显示爆炸效果,否则显示普通的飞机效果 if self.hit == True: self.screen.blit(self.bomb_list[self.image_index], (self.x, self.y))#(self.x, self.y)是指当前英雄的位置 #blit方法 (一个对象,左上角位置) self.image_num += 1 print(self.image_num) if self.image_num == 7: self.image_num = 0 self.image_index += 1 print(self.image_index) #这里子弹打住英雄时没有被清除掉,所以打一下,就死了 if self.image_index > 3: time.sleep(1) exit()#调用exit让游戏退出 #self.image_index = 0 else: if self.x< 0: #控制英雄,不让它跑出界面 self.x = 0 elif self.x > 382: self.x = 382 if self.y < 0: self.y = 0 elif self.y > 750: self.y = 750 self.screen.blit(self.image,(self.x, self.y))#z这里是只要没有被打中,就一直是刚开始的样子 #不管玩家飞机是否被击中,都要显示发射出去的子弹 for bullet in self.bullet_list: bullet.display() bullet.move() def move(self, move_x,move_y): self.x += move_x self.y += move_y def fire(self): #通过创建一个子弹对象,完成发射子弹 bullet = Bullet(self.screen, self.x, self.y)#创建一个子弹对象 self.bullet_list.append(bullet) def bomb(self): self.hit = True def judge(self): global life if life <= 0: self.bomb() class Bullet(object): #玩家子弹类 def __init__(self, screen_temp, x_temp, y_temp): self.x = x_temp + 40 self.y = y_temp - 20 self.image = pygame.image.load("./feiji/bullet.png") self.screen = screen_temp def display(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) def move(self): self.y -= 10 class Bullet_Enemy(object): #敌机子弹类 def __init__(self, screen_temp, x_temp, y_temp): self.x = x_temp + 25 self.y = y_temp + 30 self.image = pygame.image.load("./feiji/bullet1.png") self.screen = screen_temp def display(self): self.screen.blit(self.image,(self.x,self.y)) def move(self, hero): self.y += 10 global life if (hero.y <= self.y and self.y <= hero.y + 40) and (hero.x <= self.x and self.x <= hero.x + 100): #if self.y in range(hero.y, hero.y + 40) and self.x in range(hero.x, hero.x + 40): life -= 10 #self.bullet_list.remove() print("---judge_enemy---") return True if life<=0: hero.bomb() return False class Bullet_Boss(object): #boss子弹类1 def __init__(self, screen_temp, x_temp, y_temp): self.x = x_temp + 80 self.y = y_temp + 230 self.image = pygame.image.load("./feiji/bullet2.png") self.screen = screen_temp def display(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) def move(self, hero): self.y += 6 self.x += 2 global life if (hero.y <= self.y and self.y <= hero.y + 40) and (hero.x <= self.x and self.x <= hero.x + 100): #if self.y in range(hero.y, hero.y + 40) and self.x in range(hero.x, hero.x + 40): life -= 20 #self.bullet_list.remove() print("---judge_boss---") return True if life<=0: hero.bomb() return False class Bullet_Boss1(object): #boss子弹类2 def __init__(self, screen_temp, x_temp, y_temp): self.x = x_temp + 80 self.y = y_temp + 230 self.image = pygame.image.load("./feiji/bullet2.png") self.screen = screen_temp def display(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) def move(self, hero): self.y += 6 self.x -= 2 global life if (hero.y <= self.y and self.y <= hero.y + 40) and (hero.x <= self.x and self.x <= hero.x + 100): #if self.y in range(hero.y, hero.y + 40) and self.x in range(hero.x, hero.x + 40): life -= 20 #self.bullet_list.remove() print("---judge_boss---") return True if life<=0: hero.bomb() return False class Bullet_Boss2(object): #boss子弹类3 def __init__(self, screen_temp, x_temp, y_temp): self.x = x_temp + 80 self.y = y_temp + 230 self.image = pygame.image.load("./feiji/bullet2.png") self.screen = screen_temp def display(self): self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) def move(self, hero): self.y += 6 global life if (hero.y <= self.y and self.y <= hero.y + 40) and (hero.x <= self.x and self.x <= hero.x + 100): #if self.y in range(hero.y, hero.y + 40) and self.x in range(hero.x, hero.x + 40): life -= 20 #self.bullet_list.remove() print("---judge_boss---") return True if life<=0: hero.bomb() return False class Base(object): #基类 类似于抽象类 def __init__(self, screen_temp, x, y, image_name): self.x = x self.y = y self.screen = screen_temp self.image = pygame.image.load(image_name) self.alive = True def display(self): if self.alive == True: self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x, self.y)) def move(self): self.y += 5 class bomb_bullet(Base): #炸弹类 def __init__(self, screen_temp): Base.__init__(self, screen_temp, random.randint(45, 400), 0, "./feiji/bomb.png") def judge(self, hero): if (hero.y <= self.y and self.y <= hero.y + 40) and (hero.x <= self.x and self.x <= hero.x + 100): self.alive = False hero.bomb() if self.y >= 850: #self.alive = False self.y = 0 self.x = random.randint(45, 400) #print("bomb.y = %d"%self.y) class supply(Base): #补给类 def __init__(self, screen_temp): Base.__init__(self, screen_temp, random.randint(45, 400), -300, "./feiji/bomb-1.gif") def judge(self, hero): global life if (hero.y <= self.y and self.y <= hero.y + 40) and (hero.x <= self.x and self.x <= hero.x + 100): self.alive = False life += 10 if self.y >= 1500: self.y = 0 self.x = random.randint(45, 400) self.alive = True class clear_bullet(Base): def __init__(self, screen_temp): Base.__init__(self, screen_temp, random.randint(45, 400), 0, "./feiji/bomb-2.gif") self.alive = False def judge(self, hero, enemies): global q q += 1 #self.move() if q == 20: #self.move() self.alive = True q = 0 if (hero.y <= self.y and self.y <= hero.y + 40) and (hero.x <= self.x and self.x <= hero.x + 100): self.alive = False for enemy in enemies: enemy.hit == True class EnemyPlane(object): #敌机类 def __init__(self, screen_temp): self.x = random.randint(15, 480) self.y = 0 self.image = pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy0.png") self.screen = screen_temp self.bullet_list = []#用来存储子弹对象的引用 #self.direction = "right"#用来设置这个飞机默认的移动方向 self.hit = False self.bomb_list = [] self.__create_images() self.image_num = 0 self.image_index = 0 #利用产生的随机数,随机确定飞机初始移动方向 self.k = random.randint(1, 20) if self.k <= 10: self.direction = "right" elif self.k > 10: self.direction = "left" def display(self, hero): #显示敌人的飞机 if not self.hit: self.screen.blit(self.image, (self.x,self.y)) else: self.screen.blit(self.bomb_list[self.image_index], (self.x,self.y)) self.image_num += 1 if self.image_num == 3 and self.image_index < 3: self.image_num = 0 self.image_index += 1 #print(self.image_index) # if self.image_index > 2: # time.sleep(0.1) for bullet in self.bullet_list: bullet.display() if(bullet.move(hero)): self.bullet_list.remove(bullet) def move(self): #利用随机数来控制飞机移动距离,以及移动范围 d1 = random.uniform(1,3) d2 = random.uniform(0.2,3) p1 = random.uniform(50,100) p2 = random.uniform(-200,0) if self.direction == "right": self.x += d1 elif self.direction == "left": self.x -= d1 if self.x > 480 - p1: #480 - 50 self.direction="left" elif self.x < p2: self.direction = "right" self.y += d2 def bomb(self): self.hit = True def __create_images(self): self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy0_down1.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy0_down2.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy0_down3.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy0_down4.png")) def fire(self): #利用随机数来控制敌机的开火,1/80的概率 s = random.randint(0,800) bullet1 = Bullet_Enemy(self.screen, self.x, self.y) if s < 10: self.bullet_list.append(bullet1) class EnemyPlanes(EnemyPlane): #敌机群类 继承自EnemyPlane类 def __init__(self, screen_temp): EnemyPlane.__init__(self, screen_temp) self.num = 0 self.enemy_list = [] #用列表存储产生的多架敌机 self.screen = screen_temp def add_enemy(self, num): #产生多架敌机的函数 self.num = num for i in range(num): enemy = EnemyPlane(self.screen) self.enemy_list.append(enemy) def display(self, hero): for i in range(self.num): self.enemy_list[i].display(hero) def move(self): for i in range(self.num): self.enemy_list[i].move() def fire(self): #s = random.randint(0,1000) for i in range(self.num): self.enemy_list[i].fire() class Boss(EnemyPlane): #boss敌机类 继承自EnemyPlane类 def __init__(self,screen_temp): EnemyPlane.__init__(self,screen_temp) self.x = 150 self.y = 0 self.bomb_list = [] self.__create_images() self.image = pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy2.png") self.screen = screen_temp self.bullet_list = [] def __create_images(self): #self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy2.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy2.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy2_down1.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy2_down2.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy2_down3.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy2_down4.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy2_down5.png")) self.bomb_list.append(pygame.image.load("./feiji/enemy2_down6.png")) def display(self, hero): #显示敌人的飞机 global g #print(g) self.screen.blit(self.bomb_list[g], (self.x,self.y)) for bullet in self.bullet_list: bullet.display() if(bullet.move(hero)): self.bullet_list.remove(bullet) def move(self): d1 = 0 self.y += 0 def fire(self): global s s += 1 bullet1 = Bullet_Boss(self.screen, self.x, self.y) bullet2 = Bullet_Boss1(self.screen, self.x, self.y) bullet3 = Bullet_Boss2(self.screen, self.x, self.y) if s == 20: s = 0 self.bullet_list.append(bullet1) self.bullet_list.append(bullet2) self.bullet_list.append(bullet3) def judge1(hero,enemy): #判断敌机的炸毁 for bullet1 in hero.bullet_list: if bullet1.y in range(int(enemy.y),int(enemy.y + 30)) and bullet1.x in range(int(enemy.x-10),int(enemy.x + 50)): hero.bullet_list.remove(bullet1) enemy.bomb() if bullet1.y < 0 or bullet1.x < 0 or bullet1.x > 480: #删除越界的玩家子弹 hero.bullet_list.remove(bullet1) def judge3(hero,boss): #判断boss的炸毁 global goal, g, goal0 for bullet3 in hero.bullet_list: if bullet3.y in range(int(boss.y), int(boss.y + 60)) and bullet3.x in range(int(boss.x), int(boss.x + 100)): hero.bullet_list.remove(bullet3) g += 1 boss.image = boss.bomb_list[g] print("g = %d"%g) if g >= 6: boss.y, g, goal = 0, 0, 0 boss.bomb() goal0 += 10 def clear_enemy(enemies): #清除敌机群类中被炸毁的敌机 global goal, goal0 for enemy in enemies.enemy_list: if enemy.hit == True and enemy.image_index == 3: enemies.enemy_list.remove(enemy) enemies.num -= 1 goal += 1 goal0 += 5 print("goal = %d"%goal) if enemy.y >= 850: enemies.enemy_list.remove(enemy) enemies.num -= 1 def judge_num(enemies): #判断频幕上敌人的数量,如果为零,继续添加敌人 n = random.randint(1,5) if len(enemies.enemy_list) == 0: enemies.add_enemy(n) def show_text(screen_temp): #在屏幕上显示文字 text = "GOAL:" + str(goal0) + "Life:" + str(life) font_size = 50 pos = (0,0) color = (0,255,0) cur_font = pygame.font.SysFont("宋体",font_size) text_fmt = cur_font.render(text, 1, color) screen_temp.blit(text_fmt, pos) def creat_bomb(screen_temp): bomb = bomb_bullet(screen_temp) bomb_list = [] bomb_list.apend(bomb) #定义的全局变量 goal = 0 #玩家得分 goal0 = 0 g = 0 #击中boss的次数 life = 100#生命值 s = 0 #判断大boss是否发射子弹 q = 0 def main(): #主函数执行 #获取事件,比如按键等 bb = False move_x = 0 move_y = 0 pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((480,852),0,32) # 210,400 background = pygame.image.load("./feiji/background.png") pygame.display.set_caption("飞机大战") atlas = pygame.image.load("./feiji/New Atlas.png") #创建玩家飞机 hero = Hero(screen) #创建敌机群 enemis = EnemyPlanes(screen) enemis.add_enemy(5) #创建boss对象 boss = Boss(screen) #创建炸弹对象 bomb = bomb_bullet(screen) #创建补给对象 supply0 = supply(screen) clear = clear_bullet(screen) left_key, right_key, up_key, down_key, done = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 # mark = 0#用来判断boss发射子弹 while True: if done: if done % 8 == 0: done = 1 hero.fire() else: done += 1 for event in pygame.event.get(): #判断是否是点击了退出按钮 if event.type == QUIT: print("exit") exit() #判断是否是按下了键 if event.type == KEYDOWN : #down #检测按键是否是a或者left if event.key == K_a or event.key == K_LEFT: #print('left') move_x = -5 left_key += 1 #检测按键是否是d或者right elif event.key == K_d or event.key == K_RIGHT: #print('right') move_x = 5 right_key += 1 elif event.key == K_w or event.key == K_UP: move_y = -5 up_key += 1 elif event.key == K_s or event.key == K_DOWN: move_y = 5 down_key += 1 #检测按键是否是空格键 elif event.key == K_SPACE: #print('space') hero.fire() done = 1 #enemis.fire() elif event.key == K_b: print('b') hero.bomb() if event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_a or event.key == K_LEFT: left_key -= 1 if right_key == 0: move_x = 0 else: move_x = 5 if event.key == K_d or event.key == K_RIGHT: right_key -= 1 if left_key == 0: move_x = 0 else: move_x = -5 if event.key == K_w or event.key == K_UP: up_key -= 1 if down_key == 0: move_y = 0 else: move_y = 5 if event.key == K_s or event.key == K_DOWN: down_key -= 1 if up_key == 0: move_y = 0 else: move_y = -5 if event.key == K_SPACE: done = 0 screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) hero.move(move_x, move_y) hero.display() hero.judge() enemis.display(hero) enemis.move() enemis.fire() bomb.display() bomb.judge(hero) bomb.move() supply0.display() supply0.judge(hero) supply0.move() #clear.display() #clear.judge(hero, enemis) #clear.move() for i in range(enemis.num): judge1(hero, enemis.enemy_list[i]) #enemis.enemy_list[i].judge(hero) clear_enemy(enemis) judge_num(enemis) show_text(screen) if goal >= 15: boss.display(hero) boss.move() # mark+=1 # if mark==8: boss.fire() # mark = 0 #boss.judge judge3(hero, boss) pygame.display.update() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
明霞山资源网 Design By www.htccd.com
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明霞山资源网 Design By www.htccd.com
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