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滴水算法是一种用于分割手写粘连字符的算法,与以往的直线式地分割不同 ,它模拟水滴的滚动,通过水滴的滚动路径来分割字符,可以解决直线切割造成的过分分割问题。
from itertools import groupby def binarizing(img,threshold): """传入image对象进行灰度、二值处理""" img = img.convert("L") # 转灰度 pixdata = img.load() w, h = img.size # 遍历所有像素,大于阈值的为黑色 for y in range(h): for x in range(w): if pixdata[x, y] < threshold: pixdata[x, y] = 0 else: pixdata[x, y] = 255 return img def vertical(img): """传入二值化后的图片进行垂直投影""" pixdata = img.load() w,h = img.size result = [] for x in range(w): black = 0 for y in range(h): if pixdata[x,y] == 0: black += 1 result.append(black) return result def get_start_x(hist_width): """根据图片垂直投影的结果来确定起点 hist_width中间值 前后取4个值 再这范围内取最小值 """ mid = len(hist_width) // 2 # 注意py3 除法和py2不同 temp = hist_width[mid-4:mid+5] return mid - 4 + temp.index(min(temp)) def get_nearby_pix_value(img_pix,x,y,j): """获取临近5个点像素数据""" if j == 1: return 0 if img_pix[x-1,y+1] == 0 else 1 elif j ==2: return 0 if img_pix[x,y+1] == 0 else 1 elif j ==3: return 0 if img_pix[x+1,y+1] == 0 else 1 elif j ==4: return 0 if img_pix[x+1,y] == 0 else 1 elif j ==5: return 0 if img_pix[x-1,y] == 0 else 1 else: raise Exception("get_nearby_pix_value error") def get_end_route(img,start_x,height): """获取滴水路径""" left_limit = 0 right_limit = img.size[0] - 1 end_route = [] cur_p = (start_x,0) last_p = cur_p end_route.append(cur_p) while cur_p[1] < (height-1): sum_n = 0 max_w = 0 next_x = cur_p[0] next_y = cur_p[1] pix_img = img.load() for i in range(1,6): cur_w = get_nearby_pix_value(pix_img,cur_p[0],cur_p[1],i) * (6-i) sum_n += cur_w if max_w < cur_w: max_w = cur_w if sum_n == 0: # 如果全黑则看惯性 max_w = 4 if sum_n == 15: max_w = 6 if max_w == 1: next_x = cur_p[0] - 1 next_y = cur_p[1] elif max_w == 2: next_x = cur_p[0] + 1 next_y = cur_p[1] elif max_w == 3: next_x = cur_p[0] + 1 next_y = cur_p[1] + 1 elif max_w == 5: next_x = cur_p[0] - 1 next_y = cur_p[1] + 1 elif max_w == 6: next_x = cur_p[0] next_y = cur_p[1] + 1 elif max_w == 4: if next_x > cur_p[0]: # 向右 next_x = cur_p[0] + 1 next_y = cur_p[1] + 1 if next_x < cur_p[0]: next_x = cur_p[0] next_y = cur_p[1] + 1 if sum_n == 0: next_x = cur_p[0] next_y = cur_p[1] + 1 else: raise Exception("get end route error") if last_p[0] == next_x and last_p[1] == next_y: if next_x < cur_p[0]: max_w = 5 next_x = cur_p[0] + 1 next_y = cur_p[1] + 1 else: max_w = 3 next_x = cur_p[0] - 1 next_y = cur_p[1] + 1 last_p = cur_p if next_x > right_limit: next_x = right_limit next_y = cur_p[1] + 1 if next_x < left_limit: next_x = left_limit next_y = cur_p[1] + 1 cur_p = (next_x,next_y) end_route.append(cur_p) return end_route def get_split_seq(projection_x): split_seq = [] start_x = 0 length = 0 for pos_x, val in enumerate(projection_x): if val == 0 and length == 0: continue elif val == 0 and length != 0: split_seq.append([start_x, length]) length = 0 elif val == 1: if length == 0: start_x = pos_x length += 1 else: raise Exception('generating split sequence occurs error') # 循环结束时如果length不为0,说明还有一部分需要append if length != 0: split_seq.append([start_x, length]) return split_seq def do_split(source_image, starts, filter_ends): """ 具体实行切割 : param starts: 每一行的起始点 tuple of list : param ends: 每一行的终止点 """ left = starts[0][0] top = starts[0][1] right = filter_ends[0][0] bottom = filter_ends[0][1] pixdata = source_image.load() for i in range(len(starts)): left = min(starts[i][0], left) top = min(starts[i][1], top) right = max(filter_ends[i][0], right) bottom = max(filter_ends[i][1], bottom) width = right - left + 1 height = bottom - top + 1 image = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), (255,255,255)) for i in range(height): start = starts[i] end = filter_ends[i] for x in range(start[0], end[0]+1): if pixdata[x,start[1]] == 0: image.putpixel((x - left, start[1] - top), (0,0,0)) return image def drop_fall(img): """滴水分割""" width,height = img.size # 1 二值化 b_img = binarizing(img,200) # 2 垂直投影 hist_width = vertical(b_img) # 3 获取起点 start_x = get_start_x(hist_width) # 4 开始滴水算法 start_route = [] for y in range(height): start_route.append((0,y)) end_route = get_end_route(img,start_x,height) filter_end_route = [max(list(k)) for _,k in groupby(end_route,lambda x:x[1])] # 注意这里groupby img1 = do_split(img,start_route,filter_end_route) img1.save('cuts-d-1.png') start_route = list(map(lambda x : (x[0]+1,x[1]),filter_end_route)) # python3中map不返回list需要自己转换 end_route = [] for y in range(height): end_route.append((width-1,y)) img2 = do_split(img,start_route,end_route) img2.save('cuts-d-2.png') if __name__ == '__main__': p = Image.open("cuts-2.png") drop_fall(p)
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RTX 5090要首发 性能要翻倍!三星展示GDDR7显存
首次推出的GDDR7内存模块密度为16GB,每个模块容量为2GB。其速度预设为32 Gbps(PAM3),但也可以降至28 Gbps,以提高产量和初始阶段的整体性能和成本效益。