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#coding=utf-8 import pyhs2 from xlwt import * hiveconn = pyhs2.connect(host='', port=10000, authMechanism='PLAIN', user='hadoop', database='hibiscus_data', ) def create_excel(): sql = 'show tables' tables = [] with hiveconn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetch() for table in res: tables.append(table[0]) tableinfo = [] for table in tables: tableinfo.append(get_column_info(table)) create_excel_ex(tableinfo) def create_excel_ex(tableinfo): w = Workbook() sheet = w.add_sheet(u'表结构') row = 0 for info in tableinfo: row = write_tale_info(info,sheet,row) w.save('hive_schema.xls') def write_tale_info(tableinfo,sheet,row): print row sheet.write_merge(row,row,0,2,tableinfo['table']) row += 1 sheet.write(row,0,u'名称') sheet.write(row,1,u'类型') sheet.write(row,2,u'解释') row += 1 fields = tableinfo['fields'] for field in fields: sheet.write(row,0,field['name']) sheet.write(row,1,field['type']) row += 1 return row + 1 def get_column_info(table): sql = 'desc {table}'.format(table=table) info = {'table':table,'fields':[]} with hiveconn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) res = cursor.fetch() for item in res: if item[0] == '': break info['fields'].append({'name':item[0],'type':item[1]}) return info if __name__ == '__main__': create_excel()
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