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本文实例讲述了Python3.5编程实现修改IIS WEB.CONFIG的方法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下:
#!/usr/bin/env python3.5 # -*- coding:utf8 -*- from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree,Element def read_xml(in_path): """ 读取并解析XML文件 :param in_path: XML路径 :return: """ tree = ElementTree() tree.parse(in_path) return tree def write_xml(tree,out_path): """ 将XML文件写出 :param tree: :param out_path:写出路径 :return: """ tree.write(out_path,encoding="utf-8",xml_declaration=True) def if_match(node,kv_map): """ 判断某个节点是否包含所有传入参数属性 :param node: 节点 :param kv_map: 属性及属性值组成的MAP :return: """ for key in kv_map: if node.get(key) != kv_map.get(key): return False return True def find_nodes(tree,path): """ 查找某个路径匹配的所有节点 :param tree:XML树 :param path:节点路径 :return: """ return tree.findall(path) def get_node_by_keyvalue(nodelist,kv_map): """ 根据属性及属性值定位符合的节点,返回节点 :param nodelist: 节点列表 :param kv_map: 匹配属性及属性值MAP :return: """ result_nodes =[] for node in nodelist: if if_match(node,kv_map): result_nodes.append(node) return result_nodes def change_node_properties(nodelist,kv_map,is_delete =False): """ 修改、增加、删除 节点的属性及属性值 :param nodelist: 节点列表 :param kv_map: 属性及属性值MAP :param is_delete: :return: """ for node in nodelist: for key in kv_map: if is_delete: if key in node.attrib: del node.attrib[key] else: node.set(key,kv_map.get(key)) def change_node_text(nodelist,text,is_add=False,is_delete=False): """ 改变、增加、删除一个节点的文本 :param nodelist: 节点列表 :param text: 更新后的文本 :param is_add: :param is_delete: :return: """ for node in nodelist: if is_add: node.text += text elif is_delete: node.text = "" else: node.text = text def create_node(tag,property_map,content): """ 新造一个节点 :param tag:节点标签 :param property_map:属性及属性值MAP :param content: 节点闭合标签里的文件内容 :return:新节点 """ element =Element(tag,property_map) element.text =content return element def add_child_node(nodelist,element): """ 给一个节点添加子节点 :param nodelist: 节点列表 :param element: 子节点 :return: """ for node in nodelist: node.append(element) def del_node_by_tagkeyvalue(nodelist,tag,kv_map): """ 同过属性及属性值定位一个节点,并删除之 :param nodelist: 父节点列表 :param tag: 子节点标签 :param kv_map: 属性及属性值列表 :return: """ for parent_node in nodelist: childree = parent_node.getchildren() for child in childree: if child.tag == tag and if_match(child,kv_map): parent_node.remove(child) def config_file_rw(file): """ 对XML配置文件进行修复以满足适应IIS :param file: 目标文件 :return: """ import re x =re.compile("<ns0:") y = re.compile("</ns0:") z = re.compile("xmlns:ns0") with open(file,"r",encoding="utf-8") as f: txt = f.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(txt): if x.search(line): txt[i] = x.sub("<", line) elif y.search(line): txt[i] = y.sub("</", line) elif z.search(line): txt[i] = "<configuration>\n" with open(file,"w",encoding="utf-8") as fw: fw.writelines(txt) fw.close() print("配置文件%s,修改成功!"%file) if __name__ == "__main__": #1. 读取xml文件 tree = read_xml("web.config") # 找到父节点 print() nodes = find_nodes(tree, "connectionStrings/") # 通过属性准确定位子节点 result_nodes =(get_node_by_keyvalue(nodes,{"name":"strConnection_HuaChenShiYou"})) # 修改节点属性 change_node_properties(result_nodes,{"connectionString":"UwreW/Obe4fGk2CFW4uE6iZWaPAVn0nePXIrtNRApxEGLv6SHetFg6b%2BMLFhg9myAr2EI2b3FgHtKHOKVcjz5DPoV8%2BMAvpzqlEZP2JZqrVEofP3AulFUZbTLfmndYFRqIytlxSCeHr2A79EWHH9/xg0eSgsdvWd"}) # #2. 属性修改 # #A. 找到父节点 # nodes = find_nodes(tree, "processers/processer") # #B. 通过属性准确定位子节点 # result_nodes = get_node_by_keyvalue(nodes, {"name":"BProcesser"}) # #C. 修改节点属性 # change_node_properties(result_nodes, {"age": "1"}) # #D. 删除节点属性 # change_node_properties(result_nodes, {"value":""}, True) # # #3. 节点修改 # #A.新建节点 # a = create_node("person", {"age":"15","money":"200000"}, "this is the firest content") # #B.插入到父节点之下 # add_child_node(result_nodes, a) # # #4. 删除节点 # #定位父节点 # del_parent_nodes = find_nodes(tree, "processers/services/service") # #准确定位子节点并删除之 # target_del_node = del_node_by_tagkeyvalue(del_parent_nodes, "chain", {"sequency" : "chain1"}) # # #5. 修改节点文本 # #定位节点 # text_nodes = get_node_by_keyvalue(find_nodes(tree, "processers/services/service/chain"), {"sequency":"chain3"}) # change_node_text(text_nodes, "new text") # # #6. 输出到结果文件 write_xml(tree, "new.config") config_file_rw("new.config")
更多关于Python相关内容感兴趣的读者可查看本站专题:《Python操作xml数据技巧总结》、《Python数据结构与算法教程》、《Python Socket编程技巧总结》、《Python函数使用技巧总结》、《Python字符串操作技巧汇总》、《Python入门与进阶经典教程》及《Python文件与目录操作技巧汇总》
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