#Author by Andy #_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ import os,sys,time Base_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.append(Base_dir) str="欢迎使用银行信用卡自助服务系统!\n" for i in str: sys.stdout.write(i) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.3) while True: print("1、管理人员入口。") time.sleep(0.3) print("2、用户登录入口。") print("3、退出请按q!") choice=input(":") from core import main Exit_flag=True while Exit_flag: user_choice=main.menu(choice) if user_choice == '1': main.get_user_credit() elif user_choice == '2': main.repayment() elif user_choice == '3': main.enchashment() elif user_choice == '4': main.change_pwd() elif user_choice == '5': main.transfer() elif user_choice == '6': main.billing_query() elif user_choice == '7': print("该功能正在建设中,更多精彩,敬请期待!") elif user_choice == 'a': main.change_user_credit() elif user_choice == 'b': main.add_user() elif user_choice == 'c': main.del_user() elif user_choice == 'd': main.change_pwd() elif user_choice == 'q' or user_choice == 'Q': print("欢迎再次使用,再见!") Exit_flag = False
#Author by Andy#_*_ coding:utf-8 _* import json,sys,os,time,shutil Base_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.append(Base_dir) #定义认证装饰器 def auth(func): def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): # print("请输入卡号和密码进行验证!") f = open(Base_dir+'\data\\user_db.txt', 'r') Log_file = open(Base_dir+'\logs\log.txt', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') Bill_log_file = open(Base_dir + '\logs\\bill_log.txt', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') func_name = func.__name__ Time_formate = '%Y-%m-%d %X' start_time = time.strftime(Time_formate, time.localtime()) user_data = json.load(f) count=0 while count < 3: global user_id global user_pwd user_id = input('请输入您的卡号:') user_pwd = input('请输入您的密码:') if user_id in user_data: if user_pwd == user_data[user_id]['Password']: Log_file.write(start_time + ' 卡号 %s 认证成功!\n' % user_id) Log_file.flush() time.sleep(1) Log_file.close keywords = func(*args, **kwargs) if func_name == 'repayment' or func_name == 'transfer' or func_name == 'enchashment': Bill_log_file.write(start_time + ' 卡号 '+ user_id + ' 发起 ' + func_name + ' 业务,金额为: %s \n' % keywords) Bill_log_file.flush() time.sleep(1) Bill_log_file.close return keywords else: return keywords else: print('卡号或密码错误!请重新输入!') Log_file.write(start_time + ' 卡号 %s 认证失败!\n' % user_id) Log_file.flush() time.sleep(1) Log_file.close count +=1 else: print("卡号不存在,请确认!") if count == 3: print("对不起,您已输错3三次,卡号已锁定!") Log_file.write(start_time + ' 卡号 %s 因连续三次验证失败而被锁定!\n' % user_id) time.sleep(1) Log_file.close return wrapper #定义菜单函数,根据不同用户显示不通菜单。 def menu(choice): if choice == '2': print( "请选择服务类别:\n" "1、查询信用额度。\n" "2、信用卡还款。\n" "3、信用卡提现。\n" "4、修改口令。\n" "5、信用卡转账。\n" "6、信用卡账单查询。\n" "7、轻松购物。\n" "8、退出请按q!\n") service_items = input('-->') elif choice == '1': print("请选择服务类别:\n" "a、修改用户信用额度。\n" "b、新增信用卡用户。\n" "c、删除信用卡用户。\n" "d、修改用户口令。\n" "e、退出请按q!\n") service_items = input('-->') else: print("感谢使用,祝生活愉快!") exit() return service_items # 定义备份用户数据文件函数 def back_up_file(): Time_formate = '%Y-%m-%d' Sys_time = time.strftime(Time_formate, time.localtime()) shutil.copy(Base_dir + "\data\\user_db.txt", Base_dir + "\data\\user_db--" + Sys_time + ".bak.txt") #定义获取用户数据信息函数 def get_user_data(): with open(Base_dir + "\data\\user_db.txt", 'r+',encoding='utf-8') as f: user_data = json.load(f) return user_data #定义用户数据变量 user_data = get_user_data() #定义查询信用额度函数 @auth def get_user_credit(): user_credit=user_data[user_id]['Credit'] print("您目前的信用额度为:%s元\n" %(user_credit)) time.sleep(2) return user_credit #定义信用卡还款函数 @auth def repayment(): user_data = get_user_data() user_credit=int(user_data[user_id]['Credit']) user_balance=int(user_data[user_id]['Balance']) user_bill = user_credit - user_balance print("您目前需要还款金额为:%s元.\n" %user_bill) Exit_flag=True while Exit_flag: repayment_value=input("请输入还款金额:") if repayment_value.isdigit(): repayment_value=int(repayment_value) user_data[user_id]['Balance'] = user_data[user_id]['Balance'] + repayment_value f = open(Base_dir + "\data\\user_db.txt", 'r+', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(user_data, f) f.close() print("恭喜,还款成功!") print("您目前需要还款金额为:%s元.\n" % (user_data[user_id]['Credit'] - user_data[user_id]['Balance'])) time.sleep(1) Exit_flag = False return repayment_value else: print("请输入正确的金额!") #定义信用卡提现函数 @auth def enchashment(): user_credit=user_data[user_id]['Credit'] print("你可用的取现额度为:%s" %user_credit) Exit_flag=True while Exit_flag: enchashment_value=input("请输入您要取现的金额:") if enchashment_value.isdigit(): enchashment_value=int(enchashment_value) if enchashment_value % 100 == 0: if enchashment_value <= user_credit: user_data[user_id]['Balance'] = user_credit - enchashment_value f = open(Base_dir + "\data\\user_db.txt", 'r+', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(user_data, f) f.close() print("取现成功,您目前的可用额度为:%s" %user_data[user_id]['Balance']) time.sleep(1) Exit_flag = False return enchashment_value else: print("您的取现额度必须小于或等于您的信用额度!") else: print("取现金额必须为100的整数倍!") else: print("输入有误,取现金额必须为数字,且为100的整数倍") @auth #定义信用卡转账函数 def transfer(): user_balance=user_data[user_id]['Balance'] print("您目前的可用额度为:%s" %user_balance) Exit_flag=True while Exit_flag: transfer_user_id = input("请输入对方帐号:") transfer_value = input("请输入转账金额:") if transfer_user_id in user_data.keys(): while Exit_flag: if transfer_value.isdigit(): while Exit_flag: transfer_value=int(transfer_value) user_passwd=input("请输入口令以验证身份:") if user_passwd == user_data[user_id]['Password']: user_balance = user_balance- transfer_value user_data[transfer_user_id]['Balance']=int(user_data[transfer_user_id]['Balance']) + transfer_value f = open(Base_dir + "\data\\user_db.txt", 'r+', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(user_data, f) f.close() print("转账成功,您目前的可用额度为:%s" % user_balance) time.sleep(1) Exit_flag = False return transfer_value else: print("密码错误,请重新输入!") else: print("转账金额,必须为数字,请确认!") else: print("帐号不存在,请确认!") # @auth #定义信用卡账单查询函数 @auth def billing_query(): print("我们目前仅提供查询所有账单功能!") print("您的账单为:\n") Bill_log_file = open(Base_dir + '\logs\\bill_log.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') for lines in Bill_log_file: if user_id in lines: print(lines.strip()) print() time.sleep(1) #定义修改信用卡额度函数 def change_user_credit(): print("您正在修改用户的信用额度!") Exit_flag=True while Exit_flag: target_user_id=input("请输入您要修改的用户卡号:\n") if target_user_id in user_data.keys(): while Exit_flag: new_credit=input("请输入新的信用额度:\n") if new_credit.isdigit(): new_credit= int(new_credit) user_data[target_user_id]['Credit']=new_credit print("卡号 %s 的新信用额度为:%s " %(target_user_id,new_credit)) choice = input("确认请输入1或者按任意键取消:\n") if choice == '1': f = open(Base_dir + "\data\\user_db.txt", 'r+', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(user_data, f) f.close() print("信用额度修改成功,新额度已生效!") print("卡号 %s 的新信用额度为:%s " % (target_user_id, user_data[target_user_id]['Credit'])) time.sleep(1) Exit_flag = False else: print("用户的信用额度未发生改变!") else: print("信用额度必须为数字!请确认!") else: print("卡号不存在,请确认!") #定义修改口令函数 @auth def change_pwd(): print("注意:正在修改用户密码!") Exit_flag = True while Exit_flag: old_pwd = input("请输入当前密码:") if old_pwd == get_user_data()[user_id]["Password"]: new_pwd = input("请输入新密码:") new_ack = input("请再次输入新密码:") if new_pwd == new_ack: user_data=get_user_data() user_data[user_id]["Password"]=new_pwd f = open(Base_dir + "\data\\user_db.txt", 'r+', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(user_data, f) f.close() print("恭喜,密码修改成功!") time.sleep(1) Exit_flag = False else: print("两次密码不一致,请确认!") else: print("您输入的密码不正确,请在确认!") #定义新增信用卡函数 def add_user(): Exit_flag = True while Exit_flag: user_id = input("user_id:") Balance = input("Balance:") Credit = input("Credit:") if Balance.isdigit() and Credit.isdigit(): Balance = int(Balance) Credit = int(Credit) else: print("余额和信用额度必须是数字!") continue Name = input("Name:") Password = input("Password:") print("新增信用卡用户信息为:\n" "User_id:%s\n" "Balance:%s\n" "Credit:%s\n" "Name:%s\n" "Password:%s\n" %(user_id, Balance, Credit, Name, Password)) choice = input("提交请按1,取消请按2,退出请按q:") if choice == '1': back_up_file() user_data=get_user_data() user_data[user_id] = {"Balance": Balance, "Credit": Credit, "Name": Name, "Password": Password} f = open(Base_dir + "\data\\user_db.txt", 'w+', encoding='utf-8') json.dump(user_data, f) f.close() print("新增用户成功!") time.sleep(1) Exit_flag=False elif choice == '2': continue elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'Q': time.sleep(1) Exit_flag = False else: print('Invaliable Options!') #定义删除信用卡函数 def del_user(): Exit_flag = True while Exit_flag: user_id=input("请输入要删除的信用卡的卡号:") if user_id == 'q' or user_id == 'Q': print('欢迎再次使用,再见!') time.sleep(1) Exit_flag=False else: user_data=get_user_data() print("新增信用卡用户信息为:\n" "User_id:%s\n" "Balance:%s\n" "Credit:%s\n" "Name:%s\n" % (user_id, user_data[user_id]['Balance'], user_data[user_id]['Credit'], user_data[user_id]['Name'])) choice = input("提交请按1,取消请按2,退出请按q:") if choice == '1': back_up_file() user_data.pop(user_id) f = open(Base_dir + "\data\\user_db.txt", 'w+',encoding='utf-8') json.dump(user_data, f) f.close() print("删除用户成功!") time.sleep(1) Exit_flag = False elif choice == '2': continue elif choice == 'q' or choice == 'Q': print('欢迎再次使用,再见!') time.sleep(1) Exit_flag = False else: print('Invaliable Options!')
{"003": {"Name": "wangwu", "Password": "qazwsx", "Credit": 16000, "Balance": 8000}, "004": {"Name": "zhaoliu", "Password": "edcrfv", "Credit": 18000, "Balance": 6000}, "002": {"Name": "lisi", "Password": "123456", "Credit": 14000, "Balance": 10000}, "009": {"Password": "qwerty", "Name": "hanmeimei", "Credit": 15000, "Balance": 15000}, "005": {"Name": "fengqi", "Password": "1234qwer", "Credit": 15000, "Balance": 10700}, "010": {"Name": "lilei", "Password": "qaswed", "Credit": 50000, "Balance": 50000}, "008": {"Name": "zhengshi", "Password": "123456", "Credit": 12345, "Balance": 12345}, "006": {"Name": "zhouba", "Password": "123456", "Credit": 20000, "Balance": 8300}, "001": {"Name": "zhangsan", "Password": "abcd1234", "Credit": 12000, "Balance": 12000}, "007": {"Name": "wujiu", "Password": "123456", "Credit": 20000, "Balance": 11243}}
2016-12-20 22:12:18 卡号 005 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:14:20 卡号 005 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:17:26 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:18:06 卡号 005 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:18:06 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:21:10 卡号 005 认证失败!
2016-12-20 22:21:10 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:23:17 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:25:33 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:26:14 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:32:15 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:44:57 卡号 005 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:45:50 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:47:10 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:48:27 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:49:30 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:52:13 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 22:53:44 卡号 006 认证成功!
2016-12-20 21:25:35 卡号 006 发起 repayment 业务,金额为: 100
2016-12-20 21:27:01 卡号 005 发起 repayment 业务,金额为: 100
2016-12-20 22:14:20 卡号 005 发起 repayment 业务,金额为: 100
2016-12-20 22:17:26 卡号 006 发起 transfer 业务,金额为: 300
以上所述是小编给大家介绍的使用Python3 编写简单信用卡管理程序,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对网站的支持!
免责声明:本站文章均来自网站采集或用户投稿,网站不提供任何软件下载或自行开发的软件! 如有用户或公司发现本站内容信息存在侵权行为,请邮件告知! 858582#qq.com