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首先一个方案是使用bencode这个插件,通过pip方式安装或者自行下载源文件https://pypi.python.org/pypi/bencode/1.0通过python setup.py install方式安装均可。
import bencode, hashlib, base64, urllib torrent = open('ubuntu-12.04.2-server-amd64.iso.torrent', 'rb').read() metadata = bencode.bdecode(torrent) hashcontents = bencode.bencode(metadata['info']) digest = hashlib.sha1(hashcontents).digest() b32hash = base64.b32encode(digest) params = {'xt': 'urn:btih:%s' % b32hash, 'dn': metadata['info']['name'], 'tr': metadata['announce'], 'xl': metadata['info']['length']} paramstr = urllib.urlencode(params) magneturi = 'magnet:"htmlcode">import libtorrent as bt info = bt.torrent_info('test.torrent') print "magnet:" % (info.info_hash(), info.name())转换磁力链接为bt种子文件
1、需要先安装python-libtorrent包 ,在ubuntu环境下,可以通过以下指令完成安装:# sudo apt-get install python-libtorrent2、代码如下:
#!/usr/bin/env python import shutil import tempfile import os.path as pt import sys import libtorrent as lt from time import sleep def magnet2torrent(magnet, output_name=None): if output_name and not pt.isdir(output_name) and not pt.isdir(pt.dirname(pt.abspath(output_name))): print("Invalid output folder: " + pt.dirname(pt.abspath(output_name))) print("") sys.exit(0) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() ses = lt.session() params = { 'save_path': tempdir, 'duplicate_is_error': True, 'storage_mode': lt.storage_mode_t(2), 'paused': False, 'auto_managed': True, 'duplicate_is_error': True } handle = lt.add_magnet_uri(ses, magnet, params) print("Downloading Metadata (this may take a while)") while (not handle.has_metadata()): try: sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Aborting...") ses.pause() print("Cleanup dir " + tempdir) shutil.rmtree(tempdir) sys.exit(0) ses.pause() print("Done") torinfo = handle.get_torrent_info() torfile = lt.create_torrent(torinfo) output = pt.abspath(torinfo.name() + ".torrent") if output_name: if pt.isdir(output_name): output = pt.abspath(pt.join( output_name, torinfo.name() + ".torrent")) elif pt.isdir(pt.dirname(pt.abspath(output_name))): output = pt.abspath(output_name) print("Saving torrent file here : " + output + " ...") torcontent = lt.bencode(torfile.generate()) f = open(output, "wb") f.write(lt.bencode(torfile.generate())) f.close() print("Saved! Cleaning up dir: " + tempdir) ses.remove_torrent(handle) shutil.rmtree(tempdir) return output def showHelp(): print("") print("USAGE: " + pt.basename(sys.argv[0]) + " MAGNET [OUTPUT]") print(" MAGNET\t- the magnet url") print(" OUTPUT\t- the output torrent file name") print("") def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: showHelp() sys.exit(0) magnet = sys.argv[1] output_name = None if len(sys.argv) >= 3: output_name = sys.argv[2] magnet2torrent(magnet, output_name) if __name__ == "__main__": main()3、用法如下
# python Magnet_To_Torrent2.py <magnet link> [torrent file]
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