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# Python supports COM, if you have the Win32 extensions # check your Python folder eg. D:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\win32com # also http://starship.python.net/crew/mhammond/win32/Downloads.html # this program will play MP3, WMA, MID, WAV files via the WindowsMediaPlayer from win32com.client import Dispatch mp = Dispatch("WMPlayer.OCX") # use an mp3 file you have ... #tune = mp.newMedia("C:/Program Files/Common Files/HP/Memories Disc/2.0/audio/Swing.mp3") # or copy one to the working folder ... #tune = mp.newMedia("Bier1.mp3") # you can also play wma files, this cool sound came with XP ... tune = mp.newMedia("C:/WINDOWS/system32/oobe/images/title.wma") mp.currentPlaylist.appendItem(tune) mp.controls.play() # to stop playing use raw_input("Press Enter to stop playing") mp.controls.stop()
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