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''' pg_midi_sound101.py play midi music files (also mp3 files) using pygame tested with Python273/331 and pygame192 by vegaseat ''' import pygame as pg def play_music(music_file): ''' stream music with mixer.music module in blocking manner this will stream the sound from disk while playing ''' clock = pg.time.Clock() try: pg.mixer.music.load(music_file) print("Music file {} loaded!".format(music_file)) except pygame.error: print("File {} not found! {}".format(music_file, pg.get_error())) return pg.mixer.music.play() # check if playback has finished while pg.mixer.music.get_busy(): clock.tick(30) # pick a midi or MP3 music file you have in the working folder # or give full pathname music_file = "Latin.mid" #music_file = "Drumtrack.mp3" freq = 44100 # audio CD quality bitsize = -16 # unsigned 16 bit channels = 2 # 1 is mono, 2 is stereo buffer = 2048 # number of samples (experiment to get right sound) pg.mixer.init(freq, bitsize, channels, buffer) # optional volume 0 to 1.0 pg.mixer.music.set_volume(0.8) try: play_music(music_file) except KeyboardInterrupt: # if user hits Ctrl/C then exit # (works only in console mode) pg.mixer.music.fadeout(1000) pg.mixer.music.stop() raise SystemExit
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