类对象是可调用的(callable,实现了 __call__方法),并且调用它能够创建类的对象。你可以将类当做其他对象那么处理。例如,你能够给它们的属性赋值,你能够将它们赋值给一个变量,你可以在任何可调用对象能够用的地方使用它们,比如在一个map中。事实上当你在使用map(str, [1,2,3])的时候,是将一个整数类型的list转换为字符串类型的list,因为str是一个类。可以看看下面的代码:
> class C(object): ... def __init__(self, s): ... print s ... > myclass = C > type(C) <type 'type'> > type(myclass) <type 'type'> > myclass(2) 2 <__main__.C object at 0x10e2bea50> > map(myclass, [1,2,3]) 1 2 3 [<__main__.C object at 0x10e2be9d0>, <__main__.C object at 0x10e2bead0>, <__main__.C object at 0x10e2beb10>] > map(C, [1,2,3]) 1 2 3 [<__main__.C object at 0x10e2be950>, <__main__.C object at 0x10e2beb50>, <__main__.C object at 0x10e2beb90>] > C.test_attribute = True > myclass.test_attribute True
正因如此,Python中的“class”关键字不像其他语言(例如C++)那样必须出现在代码main scope中。在Python中,它能够在一个函数中嵌套出现,举个例子,我们能够这样在函数运行的过程中动态的创建类。看代码:
> def make_class(class_name): ... class C(object): ... def print_class_name(self): ... print class_name ... C.__name__ = class_name ... return C ... > C1, C2 = map(make_class, ["C1", "C2"]) > c1, c2 = C1(), C2() > c1.print_class_name() C1 > c2.print_class_name() C2 > type(c1) <class '__main__.C1'> > type(c2) <class '__main__.C2'> > c1.print_class_name.__closure__ (<cell at 0x10ab6dbe8: str object at 0x10ab71530>,)
请注意,在这里通过make_class创建的两个类是不同的对象,因此通过它们创建的对象就不属于同一个类型。正如我们在装饰器中做的那样,我们在类被创建之后手动设置了类名。同样也请注意所创建类的print_class_name方法在一个closure cell中捕捉到了类的closure和class_name。如果你对closure的概念还不是很清楚,那么最好去看看前篇,复习一下closures和decorators相关的内容。
> MyClass = type("MyClass", (object,), {"my_attribute": 0}) > type(MyClass) <type 'type'> > o = MyClass() > o.my_attribute 0
> def myclass_init(self, my_attr): ... self.my_attribute = my_attr ... > MyClass = type("MyClass", (object,), {"my_attribute": 0, "__init__": myclass_init}) > o = MyClass("Test") > o.my_attribute 'Test' > o.__init__ <bound method MyClass.myclass_init of <__main__.MyClass object at 0x10ab72150
> def mymetaclass(name, parents, attributes): ... return "Hello" ... > class C(object): ... __metaclass__ = mymetaclass ... > print C Hello > type(C) <type 'str'>
def log_everything_metaclass(class_name, parents, attributes): print "Creating class", class_name myattributes = {} for name, attr in attributes.items(): myattributes[name] = attr if hasattr(attr, '__call__'): myattributes[name] = logged("%b %d %Y - %H:%M:%S", class_name + ".")(attr) return type(class_name, parents, myattributes) class C(object): __metaclass__ = log_everything_metaclass def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def print_x(self): print self.x # Usage: print "Starting object creation" c = C("Test") c.print_x() # Output: Creating class C Starting object creation - Running 'C.__init__' on Aug 05 2013 - 13:50:58 - Finished 'C.__init__', execution time = 0.000s - Running 'C.print_x' on Aug 05 2013 - 13:50:58 Test - Finished 'C.print_x', execution time = 0.000s
def my_metaclass(class_name, parents, attributes): print "In metaclass, creating the class." return type(class_name, parents, attributes) def my_class_decorator(class_): print "In decorator, chance to modify the class." return class_ @my_class_decorator class C(object): __metaclass__ = my_metaclass def __init__(self): print "Creating object." c = C() # Output: In metaclass, creating the class. In decorator, chance to modify the class. Creating object.
frametype_class_dict = {} class ID3v2FrameClassFactory(object): def __new__(cls, class_name, parents, attributes): print "Creating class", class_name # Here we could add some helper methods or attributes to c c = type(class_name, parents, attributes) if attributes['frame_identifier']: frametype_class_dict[attributes['frame_identifier']] = c return c @staticmethod def get_class_from_frame_identifier(frame_identifier): return frametype_class_dict.get(frame_identifier) class ID3v2Frame(object): frame_identifier = None __metaclass__ = ID3v2FrameClassFactory pass class ID3v2TitleFrame(ID3v2Frame): __metaclass__ = ID3v2FrameClassFactory frame_identifier = "TIT2" class ID3v2CommentFrame(ID3v2Frame): __metaclass__ = ID3v2FrameClassFactory frame_identifier = "COMM" title_class = ID3v2FrameClassFactory.get_class_from_frame_identifier('TIT2') comment_class = ID3v2FrameClassFactory.get_class_from_frame_identifier('COMM') print title_class print comment_class # Output: Creating class ID3v2Frame Creating class ID3v2TitleFrame Creating class ID3v2CommentFrame <class '__main__.ID3v2TitleFrame'> <class '__main__.ID3v2CommentFrame'>
frametype_class_dict = {} class ID3v2FrameClass(object): def __init__(self, frame_id): self.frame_id = frame_id def __call__(self, cls): print "Decorating class", cls.__name__ # Here we could add some helper methods or attributes to c if self.frame_id: frametype_class_dict[self.frame_id] = cls return cls @staticmethod def get_class_from_frame_identifier(frame_identifier): return frametype_class_dict.get(frame_identifier) @ID3v2FrameClass(None) class ID3v2Frame(object): pass @ID3v2FrameClass("TIT2") class ID3v2TitleFrame(ID3v2Frame): pass @ID3v2FrameClass("COMM") class ID3v2CommentFrame(ID3v2Frame): pass title_class = ID3v2FrameClass.get_class_from_frame_identifier('TIT2') comment_class = ID3v2FrameClass.get_class_from_frame_identifier('COMM') print title_class print comment_class Decorating class ID3v2Frame Decorating class ID3v2TitleFrame Decorating class ID3v2CommentFrame <class '__main__.ID3v2TitleFrame'> <class '__main__.ID3v2CommentFrame'>
> def mydecorator(cls): ... cls.__doc__ = "Test!" ... return cls ... > @mydecorator ... class C(object): ... """Docstring to be replaced with Test!""" ... pass ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module> File "<stdin>", line 2, in mydecorator AttributeError: attribute '__doc__' of 'type' objects is not writable > def mymetaclass(cls, parents, attrs): ... attrs['__doc__'] = 'Test!' ... return type(cls, parents, attrs) ... > class D(object): ... """Docstring to be replaced with Test!""" ... __metaclass__ = mymetaclass ... > D.__doc__ 'Test!'
> class meta(type): ... def __new__(cls, class_name, parents, attributes): ... print "meta.__new__" ... return super(meta, cls).__new__(cls, class_name, parents, attributes) ... def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): ... print "meta.__call__" ... return super(meta, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs) ... > class C(object): ... __metaclass__ = meta ... meta.__new__ > c = C() meta.__call__ > type(C) <class '__main__.meta'>
class my_metaclass(type): def __new__(cls, class_name, parents, attributes): print "- my_metaclass.__new__ - Creating class instance of type", cls return super(my_metaclass, cls).__new__(cls, class_name, parents, attributes) def __init__(self, class_name, parents, attributes): print "- my_metaclass.__init__ - Initializing the class instance", self super(my_metaclass, self).__init__(self) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): print "- my_metaclass.__call__ - Creating object of type ", self return super(my_metaclass, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs) def my_class_decorator(cls): print "- my_class_decorator - Chance to modify the class", cls return cls @my_class_decorator class C(object): __metaclass__ = my_metaclass def __new__(cls): print "- C.__new__ - Creating object." return super(C, cls).__new__(cls) def __init__(self): print "- C.__init__ - Initializing object." c = C() print "Object c =", c
1. Python首先看类声明,准备三个传递给元类的参数。这三个参数分别为类名(class_name),父类(parent)以及属性列表(attributs)。
2. Python会检查__metaclass__属性,如果设置了此属性,它将调用metaclass,传递三个参数,并且返回一个类。
3. 在这个例子中,metaclass自身就是一个类,所以调用它的过程类似创建一个新类。这就意味着my_metaclass.__new__将首先被调用,输入四个参数,这将新建一个metaclass类的实例。然后这个实例的my_metaclass.__init__将被调用调用结果是作为一个新的类对象返回。所以此时C将被设置成这个类对象。
4. 接下来Python将查看所有装饰了此类的装饰器。在这个例子中,只有一个装饰器。Python将调用这个装饰器,将从元类哪里得到的类传递给它作为参数。然后这个类将被装饰器返回的对象所替代。
5. 装饰器返回的类类型与元类设置的相同。
6. 当类被调用创建一个新的对象实例时,因为类的类型是metaclass,因此Python将会调用元类的__call__方法。在这个例子中,my_metaclass.__call__只是简单的调用了type.__call__,目的是创建一个传递给它的类的对象实例。
7. 下一步type.__call__通过C.__new__创建一个对象。
8. 最后type.__call__通过C.__new__返回的结果运行C.__init__。
9. 返回的对象已经准备完毕。
- my_metaclass.__new__ - Creating class instance of type <class '__main__.my_metaclass'> - my_metaclass.__init__ - Initializing the class instance <class '__main__.C'> - my_class_decorator - Chance to modify the class <class '__main__.C'> - my_metaclass.__call__ - Creating object of type <class '__main__.C'> - C.__new__ - Creating object. - C.__init__ - Initializing object. Object c = <__main__.C object at 0x1043feb90> <class '__main__.C'>
元类,一门强大而晦涩的技法。在GitHub上搜索__metaclass__得到的结果多半是指向”cookbook”或其他Python教学材料的链接。一些测试用例(诸如Jython中的一些测试用例),或是其他一些写有__metaclass__ = type的地方只是为了确保新类被正常使用了。坦白地说,这些用例都没有真正地使用元类。过滤了下结果,我只能找到两个地方真正使用了元类:ABCMeta和djangoplugins。
对于djangoplugins而言,基本的思想是基于这篇文章article on a simple plugin framework for Python,使用元类是为了创建一个插件挂载系统。我并没有对其有深入的研究,不过我感觉这个功能可以使用装饰器来实现。如果你有相关的想法请在 本文后留言。
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3月20日消息,近期博主@数码闲聊站 透露,原定三月份发布的华为新旗舰P70系列延期发布,预计4月份上市。
而博主@定焦数码 爆料,华为的P70系列在定位上已经超过了Mate60,成为了重要的旗舰系列之一。它肩负着重返影像领域顶尖的使命。那么这次P70会带来哪些令人惊艳的创新呢?
根据目前爆料的消息来看,华为P70系列将推出三个版本,其中P70和P70 Pro采用了三角形的摄像头模组设计,而P70 Art则采用了与上一代P60 Art相似的不规则形状设计。这样的外观是否好看见仁见智,但辨识度绝对拉满。