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Lua语法与C语言有些相似也不太一样,写了语句学一下 微笑
--begin a = --[[explain]] "ha"; print(a) if a == "ha" then print("if test passed") else print("if used wrong") end b,c=2,3 print(b,c) b,c=c,b if b==3 and c==2 then print("swap test passed") print(b,c) else print("swap error") end do b = 6 if b==6 then print("code block test passed") else print("code block test error") end end do d=true; local e="haha" end if d==true and e==nil then print("local test passed") else print("local test error") end c = 2^3 if c == 8 then print("squert test passed") else print("test error") end a = "string will be ".."connected" print(a) x = x or a --if not x then x = v end print(x) print(type(asdf)) c=3-1.2; print(c) d = [[ 怎么会 怎么会 你竟原谅了我"the num is "..w) local add=w+1 return add; end b=test(5) print(add,b) t={ 100, [100] = "I'm the 100th element", fsy= { ['age']=22, sex = "male", --如果是字符串,可以去掉引号和括号 },--元素之间必须用,隔开 20, -- 相当于t[2]=20 } print(t[0]) print(t[1]) print(t[100]) print(t.fsy.age) print(t[2]) g = { age = 3, add=function (s,n) s.age=s.age+n end } g:add(10) --相当于g.add(g,10) print(g.age)
>lua -e "io.stdout:setvbuf 'no'" "hello.lua" ha if test passed 2 3 swap test passed 3 2 code block test passed local test passed squert test passed string will be connected string will be connected nil 1.8 怎么会 怎么会 你竟原谅了我? the num is 5 nil 6 nil 100 I'm the 100th element 22 20 13 >Exit code: 0
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