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Adam and Jane are three years into a NASA mission that has gone very wrong: Their ship is broken and drifting between Jupiter and Saturn. Finding ways to pass the time as they become certain that no one is coming to save them, they argue over what to do. One day, Adam poses that maybe they should sleep together; Jane laughs the idea off, but it prompts a flirty debate about whether they’re better off spending their remaining days as friends or something more.
Adam and Jane are three years into a NASA mission that has gone very wrong: Their ship is broken and drifting between Jupiter and Saturn. Finding ways to pass the time as they become certain that no one is coming to save them, they argue over what to do. One day, A... 显示全部
基瑞尔 2023-10-23 0 有用人在极限情况之下产生的依赖,是本能所致,还是酿造爱意?尽管末世、太空一系列设定早已被用到滥,但主演两人稍微填补这种剧情元素带来的无聊。Zo? Chao演到停不下来的爱情喜剧资源,感觉这部算稍微好些的;Anthony Mackie久违地没有在类型电影打转,也是很少见的亮相。最后的结局未免太过潦草,随便看看还行。
@大月半子 2023-10-21 0 有用贴图完毕
Tammy 2023-10-21 0 有用01:32:25
小黑还是阿黄 2023-09-05 0 有用爱情小品。
电影标签:最后的爱情 If You Were The Last 高清电影 在线播放 迅雷下载 BT下载 种子下载 磁力链接 迅雷下载 免费 百度网盘 天翼云盘