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法国女郎 French Girl
Sweet Gordon, an affable English teacher in Brooklyn, has beaten the odds; a French Girl has fallen in love with him and he's fallen even harder back. But their future is thrown into limbo when she interviews for an executive chef position in her hometown of Quebec City. To Gordon's dismay her future boss also happens to be her former lover, a celebrity Chef with oceanic eyes and a hit TV show. Good luck Gordon.
Sweet Gordon, an affable English teacher in Brooklyn, has beaten the odds; a French Girl has fallen in love with him and he's fallen even harder back. But their future is thrown into limbo when she interviews for an executive chef position in her hometown of Queb... 显示全部
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RTX 5090要首发 性能要翻倍!三星展示GDDR7显存
首次推出的GDDR7内存模块密度为16GB,每个模块容量为2GB。其速度预设为32 Gbps(PAM3),但也可以降至28 Gbps,以提高产量和初始阶段的整体性能和成本效益。